
Showing posts from May, 2022

Lifer! Alder Flycatcher, at BH fields

2 lifers! Indigo Bunting (!!!) & Black and White Warbler, at CM

Almost totally missed the indigo bunting!  Saw a bird in a tree, heard some generic cheeping, decided to take a peek through the binoculars and whoa!  Super cool!

7 lifers! Nashville Warbler, Grasshopper Sparrow, Clay Coloured Sparrow, Eastern Kingbird, Eastern Towhee, Brown Thrasher, Barn Swallow, at Burnt Lands


Lifer! Swamp sparrow, in Orleans along the river (Champlain access).

Merlin alerted me, then I snuck a peak. Also saw/heard yellow warblers and american redstarts.

Lifer! Lesser Scaup, at Andrew Hayden Park (the inner pond)

A bunch of them!  Very neat.  Thanks to the laser scope story for keeping this species in my brain. Also some baby Canada geese!

FOY: Ovenbird -- at Lavigne

1 lifer! Pine Warbler -- at Lavigne

Almost missed this one because from the song I thought it was a chipping sparrow so didn't try to get a visual.  On a whim used Merlin to double check, and it said pine warbler!  So I took a look, and sure enough.

2 lifers! Belted Kingfisher and Northern Harrier -- at Cumberland M trails

2 or 3 Belted Kingfishers!  What a neat looking bird.  Spent 10-15 minutes hanging out watching them, at the field by the creek. Northern Harrier was soaring -- the white band on the top side by the tail, and the underside markings, make me pretty confident of the i.d.