
Lifer: Snow buntings!!!! at CHM

Ohhhhhh so cooooooool!  Saw a flock of snow buntings in the field near the parking lot at CHM!!!  Didn't have my binoculars with me, but for sure that's what they were based on not only their calls, but also how the flock flutters and swirls around like gently swirling snow.  So cool.  At first I didn't know what they were, but when the flock flew up and around and back down, I immediately thought wow, they look like snow.  My guess was snow buntings, so I looked them up in the Audubon app.  Sure enough, the description says how the flock looks like snow!  Then I listened to the calls on the app, and compared with the birds themselves -- yup. So, so cool.  So them again on our way back to the car.  What a treat as the flock swirled up and back down a few times.  Gorgeous!!!

Life list

National capital region (Ottawa-ish area): Alder Flycatcher (first seen on 29 May 2022 at BH fields) American Black Duck (first seen on 18 March 2022 at Mud Lake) American Crow American Goldfinch America Redstart (first seen in ~May 2021) American Robin American Tree Sparrow (first seen in March 2022 at Prescott-Russel trail, Grandpre entrance) Bald Eagle Baltimore Oriole (first seen July 9th 2021 at Mud Lake) Barn Swallow (first seen on 18 May 2022 at Burnt Lands) Barred Owl Belted Kingfisher (first seen May 1st 2022 at CM trails) Black and White Warbler (first seen on 20 May 2022 at CM trails) Black-capped Chickadee Black-crowned Night-Heron (first seen July 9th 2021 at Mud Lake) Black-throated Blue Warbler (first seen in June 2022 at Algonquin Park, trail along Highway 60) Black-throated Green Warbler (first seen July 9th 2021 at Lime Kiln) Blue-headed Vireo (first seen on 30 April 2022 at Blackburn Hamlet fields) Blue Jay Bohemian Waxing (first seen 10 Feb 2023 at Blackburn Ham...

Lifer: Great Egret (at swamp at north end of Bilberry)

Big pure white wading bird, with orange beak and black legs.  

Lifer: Grey Catbird (at Mer Bleue along old dump)

Finally!  After quite a few times hearing catbirds, spotted one today.  And without the binoculars in tow either -- s/he was in a low tree.

2 lifers! Ring-necked Duck and Ross's Goose (one at Morris Island, one in a field on the drive back)

Most of the water at Morris Island CA was still frozen and snow-covered, but there were some parts that were open.  That's where I saw a ring-necked duck, hanging out with some hooded and common mergansers and Canada geese.  Very cool! Then, on the drive back, I saw some people pulled over at the side of the road, next to a flooded farm field full of Canada geese.  As a slowly drove past, I saw they had some serious bird-watching equipment set up, so of course I had to stop and see what the excitement was about, as surely it wasn't just the Canada geese.  They pointed out the Ross's goose, the lone white bird among the Canada geese.  Cool!

2 lifers! Pine Grosbeak and Bohemian Waxwing (at BH fields)

The pine grosbeaks were fearless, stayed eating the crabapples as we came right under the tree and hung out for a while!

Junco FOS, at BH fields (none seen in yard yet)
